You don’t want sensitive information such as a database password or an API key kept around in clear text. Secrets provide you with a mechanism to use such information in a safe and reliable way with the following properties:
- Secrets are namespaced objects, that is, exist in the context of a namespace
- You can access them via a volume or an environment variable from a container running in a pod
- The secret data on nodes is stored in tmpfs volumes
- A per-secret size limit of 1MB exists
- The API server stores secrets as plaintext in etcd
Let’s create a secret apikey
that holds a (made-up) API key:
echo -n "A19fh68B001j" > ./apikey.txt
kubectl create secret generic apikey --from-file=./apikey.txt
secret "apikey" created
kubectl describe secrets/apikey
Name: apikey
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
Type: Opaque
apikey.txt: 12 bytes
Now let’s use the secret in a pod via a volume:
kubectl apply -f
If we now exec into the container we see the secret mounted at /tmp/apikey
kubectl exec -it consumesec -c shell -- bash
mount | grep apikey
tmpfs on /tmp/apikey type tmpfs (ro,relatime)
cat /tmp/apikey/apikey.txt
Note that for service accounts Kubernetes automatically creates secrets containing credentials for accessing the API and modifies your pods to use this type of secret.
You can remove both the pod and the secret with:
kubectl delete pod/consumesec secret/apikey