
You don’t want sensitive information such as a database password or an API key stored in clear text. Secrets provide you with a mechanism to store such information in a safe and reliable way with the following properties:

Let’s create a secret named apikey that holds an example API key. The first step is to create a file that contains the secret data:

$ echo -n "A19fh68B001j" > ./apikey.txt

That file is passed to the command that creates the secret:

$ kubectl create secret generic apikey --from-file=./apikey.txt

Information about the secret is retrieved using the describe subcommand:

$ kubectl describe secrets/apikey

The value of the secret isn’t displayed by default, but other metadata is shown:

Name: apikey
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>

Type: Opaque

apikey.txt: 12 bytes

Now let’s use the secret in a pod through a volume:

$ kubectl apply -f

Connect to the container to verify the attached secret:

$ kubectl exec -it consumesec -c shell -- bash

The secret is mounted at /tmp/apikey:

$ mount | grep apikey

The value of the key is stored in a file with the same name as the original file the secret was created from:

$ cat /tmp/apikey/apikey.txt

Disconnect from the running container by running exit.

Note that for service accounts, Kubernetes automatically creates secrets containing credentials for accessing the API and modifies your pods to use this type of secret.

You can remove both the pod and the secret with:

$ kubectl delete pod/consumesec secret/apikey